
Monday, April 8, 2013

Distance Education: Is a Virtual Classroom for You? Part 3

Distance Education: Is a Virtual Classroom for You?
Part 3
Challenging Aspects of Distance Education
·         Look of in-person interaction: Some educators argue that both teacher-student and student-teacher contact are essential to learning. In a distance-learning classroom, you may be able to participate in class discussions online in chat rooms, message boards or Web conferences – but it’s not the same as being with other students in a classroom.
·         Different levels of quality: Many distance-education programs supply an excellent experience, but may others not. Research any program before signing on to make sure it’s rigorous enough. If you are choosing your own program, look into its accreditation before enrolling.
·         The need to self-start: Distance education lets you make your own schedules. If you have a hard time getting motivated, this might not be the ideal educational setting for you.

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